Episode 10: Raul joins! Talking Music in Cartoons (and more!)
In this 10th Ghettomation Podcast, Raul Aguirre, JR joins Jim Lujan and Kevin Cross as a regular onthe show. Oh yes, a good thing just got even better! In this episode we talk music in cartoons and the importance it plays in our own projects and in cartoons in general. We also talk about one million other things!
For artists who need music to go w/ animations you could check out the Free Music Archives. Artists contribute music here for the public, and there's lots of great, original stuff. I found it because one of my favorite bands put some stuff there. You can do searches for artists that allow people to synch their music to video.
For artists who need music to go w/ animations you could check out the Free Music Archives. Artists contribute music here for the public, and there's lots of great, original stuff. I found it because one of my favorite bands put some stuff there. You can do searches for artists that allow people to synch their music to video.